Jackie has edited all of my books since my first publication in 2002. My books range from inspirational meditation and poetry, to memoir, nonfiction, and fiction. As an author, I feel that Jackie has been a godsend. She is my book angel. Besides her absolute professionalism, timeliness, and thoroughness, Jackie is forever faithful to the spirit and intent of my manuscripts. She cares to serve my vision for the writing rather than impose her sense of how the writing “should be,” as many other editors do. Jackie has a unique quality of care, compassion, and gentleness in her editing. She is very clear in communicating how she is experiencing a word, phrase, flow, or the overall manuscript. At the same time, she is respectful and unobtrusive in the feedback she offers. I can trust that her insights are not only born of decades of professional writing and editing experience, but also that she is sensitive and intuitive enough to honor the essence of what I am working to construct. Her ideas and suggestions are wonderfully apt and creative. Reading her comments, I can feel her feeling her way through each drop of meaning the pages offer or strive toward. Jackie is a comfortable, safe, encouraging project partner for a new writer, and a highly skilled, high-level editor for seasoned writers. I have learned vastly through her devoted guidance and am forever grateful for her singular support.
/ Jaiya John, phd, Soul Water Publishing /