
Writing + Editing

The difference between the almost right word and the right word is … the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.
— Mark Twain

I tell stories about myriad diseases and health conditions that affect all of us. Stories about the types of challenges health issues present and opportunities that often result. No, words can’t make someone go to the doctor or eat more fruits and vegetables. But simple, clear, evidence-based health messages and materials that include a realistic action step can encourage the target audience.



i Craft Fresh Content

I can help you tell your story. I know what works and what fizzles.

I’ll listen intently to you—from the earliest planning stages and throughout the project—to help you unearth central concepts, key ideas you want to convey, and those things you value the most, mindful that the message must be culturally and linguistically appropriate. Finally, I’ll weave your health message into a tapestry of crystal-clear content.



i Polish your content

As a thoughtful editor, I am careful not to change the meaning of your words, but instead to maintain a keen sense of your voice, tone, and writing style. My goal always is to enhance the telling of your story, not tell a different story.